house Therapy - Cognitive, Narrative, and Psychoeducational Interventions

Lawson Middle School - house Therapy - Cognitive, Narrative, and Psychoeducational Interventions

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The Peterson house on May 5th 2007 took the initiative to gain therapeutic services for their troubled son David. Throughout the therapeutic process, all house members became actively involved. Three customary house therapeutic approaches for rehabilitation were ultimately chosen by the therapist with the application of three interventions within each approach. The approaches included; Cognitive Behavioral approach, report Based Therapeutic approach, and a Psychoeducational Therapeutic approach. These purposely chosen constructs were applied to the Peterson house principles and with their help the Peterson house was able to aid their son David with his behavior issues.
Agency Context

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Lawson Middle School

The current agency, in which the Peterson house sought assistance, was the Summit Agency. Summit is an inner city division settled within the college district of Philadelphia. It is a high end division that specializes in helping families and individuals with problematic behaviors and circumstances. Much of the clientele within the Summit division could be carefully mid to upper class. The division is primarily funded by direct cost from clients who are seeking highly superior PhD. And Masters level clinicians to aid with their house issues and by secret donations given by local university professors and staff.
Presenting Problem

The presenting problem according to the Peterson house has been clarified by Mr. And Mrs. Peterson as the behavior of their 16 yr. Old son David. For the last two months David has been acting out in school and been disrespectful at home. Rule breaking, disrespecting teachers, and detentions have remained consistent parts of David's behaviors. This type of behavior for the Peterson house is unacceptable and has resulted in the Peterson house seeking aid for their son's behavior. Mr. Peterson worries that if David's behavior continues, many may think that David is a real problem maker; thus effecting his scholastic life and possibilities of going to college in two years. Mrs. Peterson is concerned about her son and wants his negative behaviors to cease. She feels that when he acts out in school this causes tensions within the household; especially in the middle of herself and her husband. Both Mr. & Mrs. Peterson seem to agree that they argue more and have greater difficulties on the weeks and days in which David gets in the most trouble. In sessions, David makes statements like, "I don't care about school, because you guy's don't absolutely care about me." David, in session seems angry. He seems to be very sensitive and seems to desire more attention and time with his parents. He states that he believes no one listens to him and that the only infer he is at the Summit Point division is because his mom & dad just want to convert him. Both, Mr. And Mrs. Peterson want David to just behave at school and at home in order for him to derive a good education and be regarded as a good young man. David states that if his parents would not work so much, he may have some time with them, and not feel so lonely. David also states that when his parents are angry, they seem to take things out on him; thus manufacture him more frustrated and angry.

Mr. Peterson is a 50 year old white male. Mr. Peterson is an educated man with a PhD in literature from the University of North Carolina, for which he takes great pride. Mr. Peterson could be described as having an opinionated egocentric personality, quick witted, and some how seems to acknowledge with some type of literary quote within every response to house and friends. Mr. Peterson does not emphasize a religious preference or identity and could be carefully one who maintains an upper middle class life style. Although Mr. Peterson has published a few literary works, none have been significantly successful, and this seems to be a source of pain and loss of self esteem for Mr. Peterson.

Mrs. Peterson is a 46 year old white female. Mrs. Peterson also graduated from the University of North Carolina with a PhD in literature. Mrs. Peterson seems to be a smart, pleasant someone that makes references to having hobbies; such as playing tennis, biking and shopping. Mrs. Peterson does not sound a religious preference, but does say she believes in God. Mrs. Peterson has published two novels and takes great pride in their success.

David is a sixteen year old white male. He has no history of reasoning illness or celebrated behavior problems. David attends high school within the tenth grade at Highland High School. David does not consider himself to be a religious person, but does love the latest Eminem Rap Cd, loves to skate board, draw, and enjoys watching horror movies. David does seem to be a sensitive young man, and at times makes efforts to express his feelings and clearly express any noticeable changes to pictures and other items within my therapeutic office; thus indicating a heightened sense of observational ability.

Treatment Plan

The current rehabilitation plan (see shape 1.1) consist of one customary goal and intermediary objectives through a Cognitive arrival to aid in modifying David's current behavior issues. Thus far, over the past month and a half I have met with the Peterson house every week and attempted to aid David and his house with these objectives and goal with no progress. I believe that with the current information I can establish suggestions, and clue my convention by linking new strategies and intervention objectives from house therapeutic approaches to aid in solving David's difficulties.

Goal: To decrease David's problematic behaviors

- Send home weekly develop report

- When David receives poor behavior reports he is grounded from skate boarding and other activities he enjoys

Figure 1.1

The current recommendation and decision to link house therapy approaches to this condition is to aid with significant issues. In retrospect, the interventions although practical, settled much of the accountability and process upon David rather than a house oriented intervention. It was found that many times David would not even bring home his weekly develop reports for review. It was also founded that the use of negative reinforcement strategies was not sufficient due to David's already tattered self image. After supplementary interactions with parents it was discovered that they rarely complimented David on what he does right, and they admitted to criticizing him at times. With this information I believe that it would be wise to now integrate a unavoidable reinforcement plan that would aid with promoting good behavior and addition self esteem. I feel that suggesting the use of strategies to aid with David's parents in regards to their association and the scape goating behaviors David describes may be beneficial. I believe that David's parents would also benefit by gaining parenting skills and education. The prior rehabilitation plan did not allow David to feel for himself the roles of others or allow him to recognize opinion and feeling patterns. I believe that with the understanding of David's personality and his unavoidable brain and sensitivity, utilizing strategies that aid with opinion identification may be beneficial. The newly suggested rehabilitation plan is as follows;

Goal One: To decrease David's problematic behaviors

- To growth David's awareness of how his behavior affects others

- To aid David in identifying thoughts, feelings, behaviors, beliefs

- To aid David's parents with great parenting and association skills

Figure 1.2
Strategies for convert - Cognitive Approach

During session consulation I would ask David, how he opinion his behavior at school made others feel and what impact his behavior had on others. After his response I feel that the "Critical Moment" Cognitive Behavioral arrival intervention that I learned at the University of Michigan School of public Work may be sufficient (Personal Communication, R. Tolman, October, 2006). I would suggest that a role play should be utilized with David and his parents. I would ask David to recognize any time or condition in which he interacted with a trainer negatively and when the interaction done with a negative consequence for David. The condition I would request of David must have ended with him reasoning that he should have responded differently. I would ask him to express to all of us his detailed story from starting to end. After he expressed his story I would ask David and his parents if there were more unavoidable responses David could have utilized that were not disrespectful. David and his parents would have good ideas regarding what David's response could have been and they would share these ideas. After sharing their ideas, I would request that David play the role of the teacher, and I then ask his father to play the role of his son David. I would ask David's father to make sure that in his response, as he acted like David that he would comprise the newly agreed upon unavoidable response. As both would act out the role play, David would state the words of his trainer within the past interaction and his father would do his best to repeat what David had stated was spoken during the interaction, except for the addition of the unavoidable statement that David should have said. After the role play, I would request a role reversal. This time David would play himself, stating what his father had stated with the unavoidable response attached to his interaction. His father would play the teacher, and at the conclusion David would hopefully begin to understand both roles of those involved. It is hypothesized that this role reversal may convert David's perceptions.

The second intervention that I believe would be helpful in allowing David to recognize his thoughts and feelings and how they consequent his behavior would be to apply during the session a dry erase board in order to draw the "circle of identification" (Becvar & Becvar, 2000). This circle could indicate the process of thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. I feel that the utilization of this type of intervention may work well, inspecting the known information regarding David's love for drawing and optical acuity. I would suggest to David to express a time when he was disrespectful or acting out against his parents or teachers. That specific episode would be the focus in which we would recognize his thoughts, feelings and behaviors to that circumstance. As a therapist I believe that as we recognize his thoughts and feelings during this episode and address either or not they were unavoidable or negative, or either they were realistic or distorted; at the center of David's response could lie schemas about himself and others that may not be healthy or functional for his life. It will be the goal of this intervention to address those negative schemas that may be assisting in negative responses, and purposely inserting unavoidable collaborative thoughts created within our sessions.

Due to suspected negative reciprocity and the development of negative schemas within the house system, regarding David's consistent behaviors, it would seem to be beneficial to apply a third cognitive approach. I feel that it may be beneficial for the Peterson house to apply a thought, feeling, and behavior journal for all members in the house (Becvar & Becvar, 2000; Lawson & Prevatt, 1999). It would be expressed to the house that on each page of the journal there should be two headings; "What did David do today", and "How did I feel about what David did today." I believe that this could allow the house over a whole of sessions to come to a realization of how they are perceiving their son, and how David perceives himself in a qualitative manner. Identifying these schemas, thoughts, and feelings may be beneficial for assisting in cognitively reconstructing the house systems perception and expectations of David's behavior.

Narrative Approach

It could be suggested that in an effort to speak about the behaviors within sessions one should seek to cut parental "problem saturation" regarding discussions of David's behavior (Lawson & Prevatt, 1999). It could be hypothesized that due to the constant annotation and negative perceptions that David's parents have expressed regarding his behaviors, utilizing an externalization technique would be beneficial (Lawson & Prevatt, 1999). As the therapist I should ask two sets of questions; questions relating to how house members feel about David's behavior and after a series of questions regarding the families reactions to David's behavior I would ask the parents if there was ever a time in which David did not act disrespectful or behave in a negative manner (Prevatt & Lawson, 1999). All house members could then begin to recognize the negative behaviors as external events in which they could seek to collaborate and work against (Prevatt & Lawson, 1999). This would seem to be an sufficient intervention, especially for David who has been indicated as having low self esteem and has been identified as perhaps being the scape goat within the house system.

After a proper expression of distinct perspectives over a whole of sessions, as the therapist I would suggest to the parents to write a letter to their son. Within the letter I would ask them to express their commitment to helping David. I would express to the parents to write unavoidable statements of affection for David and let him know that they validate his feelings. This would lend to decreased fault looking and negative reciprocity (Lawson & Prevatt, 1999). This process I believe would aid David in reducing his feelings of isolation and heighten his commitment to working against the externalized problems.

Furthermore, a third intervention that may be sufficient would be for myself as the therapist to write a final letter of prediction (Lawson & Prevatt, 1999). This letter would be written in a way that expressed a strengths base perspective and a unavoidable message of hope in regards to house commitment and David's behaviors.
Psychoeducational Approach

As the therapist I would pursue concepts and processes consistent with educating the Peterson family. I would recognize concepts that may be sufficient inspecting the educational level of the parents and David, as well as the families strengths and quality to apply problem solving and communication concepts (Becvar & Becvar, 2000). inspecting the suspected scape goating behaviors of Mr. And Mrs. Peterson, I feel that teaching Mr. And Mrs. Peterson great ways of communicating their own problems rather than projecting them upon David would be beneficial. I believe speaking with Mr. And Mrs. Peterson about active listening skills, practicing the communication ball technique (speaker holds the ball / listener waits their turn) would allow the Petersons to work on their listening skills. I feel that this would work well for the Petersons inspecting their educational level and willingness to learn.

Another intervention I would implement to heighten communication with the educational principles would be to teach parents how to implement a home/school communication principles (Foley, 2007). This principles includes maintaining a chart that is marked by teachers and parents to indicate behaviors, moods, and activities that were completed during the day (Foley, 2007). The building of this principles creates sufficient communications in the middle of school staff and parents (Foley, 2007). As the therapist I would ask the Petersons to establish this principles as instructed and then within one session value the process and express the ideas to David. Emphasizing also to David that good reports will bring good rewards. Educating Mr. And Mrs. Peterson regarding consequent through and consistency regarding the communication principles would be very important.

Due to the educational levels of the Peterson family, as a therapist I would suggest interventions such as parental skills groups within the society or the use of parenting resources and educational programs within sessions. It is hypothesized that the Petersons would welcome any educational information regarding more sufficient parenting. Recommending web sites, books (Love and Logic) and therapeutic games to heighten a child's communication and self esteem would be potential interventions for the Peterson family. These psychoeducational interventions would aid with the third objective of the rehabilitation plan, regarding the need to derive greater parenting and association skills.


The mystery I identified within the first rehabilitation plan was that only one arrival was utilized and it was not an eclectic process with at least three approaches and manifold interventions. I believe that the eclecticism should be a priority due to the nature of the problem and manifold systems involved. I felt as if in order to cut David's negative behaviors the interventions should be creative, related to problem solving objectives and address the whole house system.

I believe that utilizing a cognitively based arrival would be an leading part in identifying the negative beliefs and schemas David may have about himself as the roots of his low self esteem. By addition David's abilities in negative opinion identification, David will be able to purposely insert unavoidable thoughts through cognitive restructuring (Becvar & Becvar, 2000). Gaining parental involvement with journaling may also be a splendid intervention, inspecting that Mr. And Mrs. Peterson are writers and may give involving and creative reflections.

What may be a concern is that David's parents could recognize externalizing a problem through a report approach, as a way of David not taking full accountability for his behavior. inspecting their past negative reciprocity of his behaviors and the parents' attitudes and expectations, it would be leading to emphasize the point of such a perspective.

David stated that his parents do not listen to him. Also admitted by his parents, they tend to argue more when David gets in trouble. The chosen Psycho educational arrival would seem to be an sufficient approach. This arrival I feel would aid the Petersons in gaining significant communication skills and greater parenting strategies for David. I feel that communication building strategies would aid with what David stated as "no one listens to me." inspecting the Petersons earnings level, society affect and unavoidable attitude towards education, suggesting that they gain involvement in a parenting and or communications group would be an excellent intervention strategy.

I feel as the Petersons therapist that the utilization of these three approaches and choosing them according to their specific condition and house dynamics that they will prove to be more effective. I feel that these approaches comprise all the elements that are needed to heighten the skills and cut the problems that were chosen by the Peterson family.

Note to Reader: All participants in this report and the division are fictional: any relation or association to real circumstances is clearly coincidental.

L. J. Riley Jr. Bsw, Llmsw


Becvar, D. S., & Bacvar, R. J. (2000). house Therapy; A Systemic Integration. (4th edition). Needham Heights; Ma: Allyn & Bacon Publishing.

Foley, S. (2007) Psychological Testing for public Workers; The Notes.

Lawson, D. M., & Prevatt, F. F. (1999) Casebook in house Therapy. Belmont; Ca:
Wadsworth Publishing.

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